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Archive for 'five things'

5 Things About Cynthia Sax

Cynthia Sax writes contemporary erotic romance for Avon Impulse, and came to the blog to share a few things about herself and her writing. Here are 5 things you might not know about Cynthia…Sinful Rewards 1

1) Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been? My favorite tropical paradise is Bali (the combination of beaches, art and the spiritual is wonderful). My favorite city is Istanbul (a combination of so many different cultures). The city I’d most like to live in is Chicago (the setting of Sinful Rewards).

2) How do you pick the names of your Heroes/Heroines? In Sinful RewardsRead more »

5 Things About Mia Marlowe

Let’s give a big welcome to the lovely and talented, Mia Marlowe–who was willing to spill 5 Things your might not know about her.

MMReg1) Did you have a nickname growing up? When I was in middle school, my friends called me “Granny.” I hope it because of my glasses! But I think it may have been because I’m the sort who likes to take care of people and make sure they’re okay. I love my family, but also like the idea that friends are the family you choose for yourself.

2) How do you pick the names of your Read more »

5 Things About Melissa McClone

I am so thrilled to have my dear friend, Melissa McClone on the blog today. Melissa and I had our kids like one after another, have traded mom advice through it all, and relied on each other as sounding boards when things got (and still do get) crazy. We walk a very similar path and have so MUCH in common that sometimes it’s almost scary . . .

Like our mutual need for Peanut Buster Parfaits while on deadline . . .

1) Did you have a nickname growing up?

Yes! I was Missy for the first eighteen years of … Read more »

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