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8 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Time

If you are like me, your writing time is both precious and never long enough. So here are some of my methods to make sure you are getting the most pages out of your limited time.

1) Stop reading email, Tweets, Facebook, Instagram, et al. Okay, maybe that’s a little drastic, but how about printing out this little rule and stick it on your computer screen: Writing first, all the rest second. To make is easier, turn off all your alerts and anything that might nudge you to go take a peek. Stay on target.

2) Do as much pre-writing as possible. Take notes while you eat breakfast and lunch. Sketch out dialogue bits, scene ideas, setting descriptions. When you sit down to write, type these notes into your manuscript and they are usually enough to catapult you right into your story without too much hemming and hawing

3) Write from a well-thought out outline or synopsis. A roadmap of your story will get you from A to Z in the quickest route. You wouldn’t drive from Seattle to Dallas without good directions

, so why write a novel without one?

4) Use a timer. When I get really behind or am on deadline, I use a kitchen timer. I set it for anywhere between five and twenty minutes and tell myself that I have that much time to write X amount of pages. That little ticking bomb really gets my fingers flying.

5) Turn off the internal editor. When I write my first draft, my only goal is to get the story down. If there are missing transitions, holes in the dialogue or in a scene, or a word, sentence or paragraph that just doesn’t sound quite right, all of that can be fixed when I do my revisions. Remember: Revising a manuscript is an entirely different process than writing the first draft.

6) Set a specific time each day and amount of time to write. Make this time sacred. You’ll find that as your daily writing time approaches, your imagination, thoughts and focus start moving toward your story automatically.

7) If you find yourself stuck and unable to think of anything, just write the dialogue for the scene. Or describe the scene. Anything related to that part of the book to keep your fingers moving. If you are really and truly stuck, go back to your synopsis and move to the next scene.

8 ) Give yourself a writing night out once a week. I get out of the house, away from the husband and kids, and go to Starbucks, where I review notes and plan my writing for the next week. Sometimes I use the time to review the pages I’ve written recently or just brainstorm. The change in scenery and the lack of interruptions give you some great time to concentrate and come away revitalized and refueled (literally) to get to work.

Good luck and remember: Keep Writing.

If you liked this post on writing, you might enjoy this post: The 21 Best Books on Writing

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Have You Met: Avon Addict: Aemelia M

Welcome, Avon Addict Aemelia. If you don’t know Aemelia, here are some things to get you started…


Check us out!

1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? It was TAME THE RISING TIDE by Virginia Morgan


, I found it on the bookshelf of my best friend’s mom one morning after I spent the night (I was always an early riser)! I was hooked! Shortly thereafter I discovered Kathleen E Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey, Julie Garwood, Brenda Joyce, Judith McNaught… and the rest was history! Lol. tametherisingtide

2) If you could choose any 3 authors to gossip with over lunch, who would they be? Only 3?!?!? Ugh, that’s so hard. Lisa Renee Jones, Larissa Ione, and Ann Aguirre… though I’d love it if Tessa Dare, Victoria Dahl, and Elizabeth Boyle would also join.

3) Print or ebook? While I enjoy my ebook reader, nothing can take the place of print books, I love turning pages.

4) What book have you read the most times? It’s probably a tie between Johanna Lindsey’s BRAVE THE WILD WIND, DEFY NOT THE HEART, and HEARTS AFLAME.

bravethewildwind5) Did you have a nickname growing up? Yes, a little girl that I babysat decided that my name was Zelda when she was 2, and the name stuck—her ENTIRE family still calls me that. O.o

6) What are your top three favorite movies? Gone With the Wind, Grease, Armageddon

You can find Aemelia at Rambling Reads on Facebook or as @TrustMe_2Forget on Twitter!

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TBT: No Marriage of Convenience

This book, No Marriage of Convenience, was originElizBo4ally slated as the follow-up to Brazen Angel, and was to be the story of Emma’s illegitimate daughter, Riley. However, my Dell editor at the time passed on the idea and wanted me to write Brazen Heiress instead.

When Avon asked me if I had anything I would be interested in doing for them, I immediately proposed this story, the one I had been waiting three years to write. Of course, by changing publishing houses I had to take the Brazen connection out of the book, but I think it turned out better for the challenge to make it a standalone.

This is my only book that hasn’t been linked in some way or fashion to any other of my stories–but remains one of my favorites for I just adore Riley and her antics.

If you’d like to buy No Marriage of Convenience, you can do it here, or read an excerpt here.

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5 Things with Ellie McDonald

Welcome to the blog, Ellie Macdonald, author of The Governess Club series!

Here are 5 things you probably didn’t know about Ellie:

1) Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called me The Mad Hatter because of my quick temper as a child and it’s also a play on my real name. They still call me it every once in awhile; my mom and sister even bought me a mug with The Mad Hatter on it at Disney World last year.


Click to buy!

2) What’s your strongest/most productive writing habit? I wear noise reducing headphones. They are kinda like blinders for a horse: I put them on and then very little distracts me. Except for Facebook. And YouTube. And – well, you get the idea. ;0) I don’t know why it works for me; I mainly write at night so there’s not a lot of noise to begin with, but they just seem to focus me.

3) If you were going to an island for a long time, name 5 things you would bring. Assuming there is electricity and wifi on the island: my Kindle, sunscreen, my laptop, my toothbrush and my bathing suit. Hm, only two electronics on that list, not too bad.

4) If you could time travel

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, what time period would you most like to visit? Regency England, of course, but I do think I would be horrified to see how they actually lived. Not nearly as romantic as our novels make it out to be. Elizabethan England would be interesting as well.

5) What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I packed everything I owned into two suitcases and moved to London, England on my own for two years. I didn’t know anyone, I had less than 3 grand in my pocket (which doesn’t last long AT ALL there) and the extent of my planning was booking a hostel for the first week and registering with a headhunter firm. This was really was fly-by-the-seat- of-my-pants sort of thing. I loved every minute over there.

You can find Ellie on her website, Facebook or Twitter!

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Have You Met: Avon Addict Jody, aka Joder

avonaddictJody hosts the popular blog, Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess where she shares her love of books, amongst other things (as well as keeping a great list of giveaways–so if you like contests…).

But before you dash off to visit her blog, let me introduce, Joder:

1) Favorite name for a hero or heroine. Fave name for a hero is Devyn.

2) Do you immediately start another book once you finished one? As a blogger/reviewer I’m constantly reading and even dream of reading!

3) Favorite place to read? In front of my office window in the morning with the sun shining in on me.  It’s so soothing and better than Calgon in taking me away from it all.

FlameAndFlower4) What is the very first romance novel that you read? The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss when I was 12 and home sick from school.

5) Who is your favorite author? There’s no way I can pick just one but I’ll try not to go too crazy naming names… Lorraine Heath

, Roni Loren, Julia Quinn, Sarah MacLean, Olivia Cunning, and JR Ward.

You can connect with Jody F (aka Joder) on her blog: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess

Or on Twitter at @Jone402 and Facebook as Jody F.

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TBT: His Mistress by Morning

Since last week we looked at Tempted by the Night, it only seemed right to take a look back at the book that started that series, His Mistress by Morning.

Every book has a different inspiration, that moment when the idea bursts to life in my imagination and I know it won’t stop clamoring at me until I write the darn thing. The idea for His Mistress by Morning came along one night after watching the movie You Wish on the Disney Channel with my son, Nicholas. The story is about Alex, a teenaged boy with a pesky little brother. Alex receives a magic coin and unwittingly wishes that he’d never had a little brother. Overnight, Alex is an only child and his life is so very different–but after some time enjoying his newfound popularity, Alex realizes there was much to love about his old life, and even his lost little brother. I won’t tell you more, because the movie is fun to watch.ElizBo2

So, after the movie, Nicholas turned to me and said, “If you had a magic coin, Mommy, what would you wish for?” In that instant, my imagination saw not a coin, but a ring–a small, inconsequential ring, and I saw a family and the havoc such a ring might bring to their lives

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, and the lessons that could be learned from making hasty, yet heartfelt wishes. Not only that, the old adage, “be careful what you wish for” started ringing through my head. But here I was, just starting the Bachelor Chronicles, with several books plotted out and ready to write, yet Charlotte and Sebastian’s story became like an annoying neighbor–jumping into my thoughts at all hours, plaguing me with questions and scene ideas, until I said, “Enough, already!” and I begged my editor to let me write their book. Besides, I had been hankering to do a story with some fun paranormal elements ever since I’d put that meddling and magical matchmaker into It Takes a Hero and “The Matchmaker’s Bargain” from Hero, Come Back.

But what I loved most about this book was the actually story telling challenge it presented. It had one very difficult technical aspect to master–first of all, the first two thirds of the story is told entirely in Charlotte’s point of view, with only a couple of short lapses into Quince’s point of view. Since this is Charlotte’s wish, and her wish “world,” the story could only be told from her point of view. Now I love getting into the hero’s head–letting him tell his side of the story and let the reader see the conflict he feels over the heroine, but I knew that if I went into Sebastian’s head it would take away from Charlotte’s misgivings about her new life. So at times I found myself pacing the floor as to how to tell Sebastian’s story without cheating by getting into his head. How did I do it? I tried to make sure the reader sees through his actions how much he loves his “Lottie” and his struggles to hold onto her mercurial heart.

So if you haven’t ventured into the world of the Marlowes and you love a good old fashioned spinster meets rake, spinster makes a wish, spinster’s wish is a disaster, you’ll love His Mistress by Morning.

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5 Things About Mia Marlowe

Let’s give a big welcome to the lovely and talented, Mia Marlowe–who was willing to spill 5 Things your might not know about her.

MMReg1) Did you have a nickname growing up? When I was in middle school, my friends called me “Granny.” I hope it because of my glasses! But I think it may have been because I’m the sort who likes to take care of people and make sure they’re okay. I love my family, but also like the idea that friends are the family you choose for yourself.

2) How do you pick the names of your Heroes/Heroines? Since I write historicals, I’m always looking for interesting period names. This may seem a little morbid, but old cemeteries are great sources for names. When I lived in Boston, I always took a notepad with me when we walked the Freedom Trail. I found Waitstill Trott, a terrific name for a housekeeper, in the same cemetery where Paul Revere rests.

Sometimes I ask for suggestions from my Facebook friends. One of them offered up Greydon Quinn, the name I used for my hero in Touch of a Thief!

3) Since romance authors always write about falling in love, when and how did you discover you were in love? I met my DH in college when we were both in the choir. Sometimes the director would have us stand in a circle around the room instead of sitting in rows, and my future husband and I found ourselves singing to each other across the room.

But there was a problem. I already had a steady guy. My DH however, was not deterred. He called to ask if I’d like a ride to some of our extra choir practices. Then he started asking me to other things. Of course, I declined because I was not that kind of girl! He didn’t give up.

After several months of that, the semester was ending and my future DH was planning on taking a year off school to travel. He’d become important to me even without going out and I just knew I’d never see him again if I didn’t do something. So, I broke it off with Mr. Not-Right and, against all my home training, I called the future love of my life and I asked him out.

4) What’s your strongest/most productive writing habit? I’m very goal-oriented. A deadline motivates me. So with each book, I plan out my writing, so many words per day, so many per week, etc. I write pretty much 8-5 during the week and use weekends to play catch up if I need to. Sticking with a schedule keeps me from panic because I know, barring something totally unforeseen, the story is where it needs to be at every step along the way.

MMOnce5) Where is the strangest place a story idea came to you from? The kernel of my newest release, Once Upon a Plaid

, came from something that happened to my sister. She decided to become a gestational surrogate for a childless couple. I’m ashamed to admit I tried to talk her out of it because I was concerned for her health. She’d already given birth to 4 kids of her own, but the in vitro procedure required so many hormone shots, it gave me pause.

Anyway, it made me wonder what a couple in 16th century Scotland might do when confronted with an empty cradle. There was no such thing as legal adoption then and the technical advances we enjoy would have seemed like witchcraft to them. So the story of William and Katherine grew in my mind—a couple who have to learn whether their circle of two is enough. Many tears fell on the keyboard for this one.

Oh! And after a high risk pregnancy and a very difficult birth, my sister placed healthy twins into a grateful couple’s arms. Is she heroine material or what?

 You can find Mia at her website, or on Facebook and Twitter.

Mia and her publisher, Sourcebooks, have a giveaway going right now. Here is the entry form for you to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Winner! #FallBackinTime

And the winner is: Diane Rains, who posted her #FallBackinTime entry on Facebook:
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, please DM me on Facebook or use my Contact page to get a hold of me so I can mail your new iPad mini to you. Congratulations and thank you for entering.

And thanks to everyone who posted their pics and shared their love of historical romances–the pics and notes were so much fun to see and share!

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News: Elizabeth’s Blog Tour

Hi everyone! This is Dana, Elizabeth’s assistant.

We have some great news!

Elizabeth is going to do a comprehensive blog tour throughout the month of November, and there will be all sorts of contests, fun posts, and giveaways. So take a look below to find her tour schedule, and don’t forget to drop by and say hello… You never know what fun is in store for you!


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Fall Back in Time Giveaway

Have you heard about the #FallBackinTime Event that is happening NOW? To celebrate the clocks being turned back this weekend, historical romance authors and readers are sharing their love of “Falling Back in Time” with their favorite romance novels and showing their pride with selfies. You’ll find them right now on Twitter


, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Since I know I have some wild and fun readers out there who LOVE historical romance, I am giving away an iPad mini to one lucky reader who posts their #FallBackinTime selfie with one of my books.

Quick Rules:
1) Post your selfie or pic holding one of my books. If you don’t have one handy, download a cover from my website.
2) To make sure you’re entered please use the following hashtags: #FallBackinTime #IReadElizbo.
3) You’ve got between now and midnight PT, Sunday November 2nd to get your entry posted.
4) If you want to make sure I see your entry, you can email a link to your post to Contest AT ElizabethBoyle DOT com.
5) Winner will be posted here on Monday, November 3rd by noon.

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