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Have You Met: Avon Addict Merle

Have you met Avon Addict Merle yet? She’s come by today to share five things about herself that we probably don’t know! Welcome, Merle…avonaddict

1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? I’m actually relatively new to romance — I only started reading it a year ago! My very first romance was Courtney Milan’s Unclaimed. I adored it so much I went out and bought all of her books immediately afterward.

CMILAN2) Favorite place to find new books? There’s a large used bookstore here in my city called Gardner’s


, and I LOVE wandering through their large romance section to find all sorts of goodies.

3) Who are your must-buy authors? Courtney Milan, of course; Tessa Dare; Theresa Romain; Simone St. James for her utterly perfect Gothic ghost stories; Elizabeth Loupas, who writes stunning historical novels; and N.K. Jemisin, for truly unique and exciting fantasy books.

4) Do you immediately start another book once you finished one? Typically, yes! I’ve got so much to read that if I take too long a break in between books, I’ll never get anything done. I don’t usually have a problem with it, either; I can separate the two in my head.

5) What are your top three favorite movies? Toughie! Right now I’d have to say that my favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The first Thor movie holds a special place in my heart as well, and I’ll always adore Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

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